Saturday, July 18, 2020

Most Important Pillars of Modern PHP Development

PHP is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages.Created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, this language is known to develop scalable and robust websites and web apps. Web developers love using PHP as websites created using this language PHP works on all major operating systems such as Linux, Unix variants, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, etc. As per the statistics, every 8 out of 10 websites that you see on the internet is using the components of PHP in some way or the other. 

PHP offers a myriad of benefits to both the PHP developers and clients. Most people prefer using PHP as it is:
  • Cross-platform
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to learn
  • Built-in-functions
  • Secure
  • Reliable
  • Efficient
  • User-friendly
  • Easy to integrate

Over the years, PHP has undergone many changes just like other languages to keep up with the modern world. Let us know about the pillars of PHP, which have made this language stand so strong to date.

Pillars of Modern PHP

With the change in time, what users want has changed drastically. Based on the past challenges and feedback given, even PHP has changed a lot. PHP used these days, is much more emerging, and is a more reliable version to create functional and scalable websites. But there are some pillars of PHP due to which PHP is still standing strong and is so popular, let us discuss them:

The reason why developers love using PHP is due to its ease of writing code. PHP offers easy to maintain code, which is very much essential. developers can easily read and write the code in this language, which makes the development process a lot faster.

Testing a website can be really difficult in some languages, but in PHP developers can constantly test the code written to ensure that the end result is bug-free. It allows developers to test the code at each development stage rather than testing it at the end. It makes PHP development a lot easier for the developers working on it.

This is an important factor to look at if you are looking to migrate your website or an app. If badly configured, migrating a website or web app can be difficult. The PHP configuration file, php.ini, is the best and the fastest way to affect PHP’s functionality.

If you want the code to be executed correctly, writing the configuration file accurately is very important. To get this right, hiring the right team of PHP developers is very important. You must hire those having both experience and expertise in PHP development. 

Runtime Data
PHP along with cloud computing makes the storage of run-time data easier. For those who do not know, runtime data is the one that is created by the user while using an application or a website like file uploads, images, etc. Earlier this storage was being handled by local or network-attached file systems.

When getting your website or web app developed, this is one of the most important factors to consider while choosing the right programming language for your project. You need a scalable website for your business to accommodate future needs. Some languages and frameworks may give some error and may require a lot of rework to be done, for scaling your software, but this is not the case with PHP.

These were the pillars of modern PHP development, which makes this programming language so popular among the developers. If you are looking to get your website or web app developed in this language, you must seek professional help from a proficient PHP development company, as this language is not only easy to use but is also flexible and easy to deploy. We are sure that this server-side scripting language will not disappoint you.

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